Transa Secondhand
With Transa Secondhand, the outdoor outfitter is taking the next step towards a circular economy and offering a second-hand marketplace for outdoor and travel items.

50% der Ankäufe sind Trade-Ins
Jeder zweite Ankauf führt gleichzeitig zu einem Neukauf und steigert somit den Umsatz.
25% Conversion Uplift
Die Einführung von Instant Quotes steigert die Conversion-Rate um 25%.
Kundenzufriedenheit verbessert
Erkenntnisse aus Umfragen führten zur Optimierung im neuen Trade-In-Angebot.
Über Calumet
Transa Backpacking has been synonymous with high-quality travel and outdoor equipment for over 45 years. With the introduction of the second-hand platform, Transa is taking a significant step towards a circular economy. Loopia's resale solution provides Transa with a second-hand platform that has been specially tailored to its needs and design and implemented with minimal IT effort.

"We greatly appreciate the close and cooperative partnership with Loopia and have worked together towards our goal of creating a top second-hand platform for outdoor products. Loopia has always taken our needs into account during development and implemented them quickly. You can feel that they are fully committed to the circular economy and it is a pleasure to work with them to tackle this issue and further develop innovative solutions."
Anna Vetsch
Head of Sustainability, Transa

Why Transa Secondhand?
Loopia's out-of-the-box solution was customised to Transa's specific requirements and enhanced with additional functions. A user-friendly process for posting products, focussed on the outdoor sector, enables users to publish items with just a few clicks. Buyers can purchase products using the usual e-commerce payment methods and benefit from buyer protection. For easy shipping, sellers can conveniently use the pre-franked address label, which is provided to them free of charge after the sale.
Thanks to the continuous development of the platform, Transa and its users will continue to benefit from new functions that constantly improve the experience of buying and selling used items and set new standards.
Loopia's out-of-the-box solution was customised to Transa's specific requirements and enhanced with additional functions. A user-friendly process for posting products, focussed on the outdoor sector, enables users to publish items with just a few clicks. Buyers can purchase products using the usual e-commerce payment methods and benefit from buyer protection. For easy shipping, sellers can conveniently use the pre-franked address label, which is provided to them free of charge after the sale.
Thanks to the continuous development of the platform, Transa and its users will continue to benefit from new functions that constantly improve the experience of buying and selling used items and set new standards.

The solution
Loopia's out-of-the-box solution was customised to Transa's specific requirements and enhanced with additional functions. A user-friendly process for posting products, focussed on the outdoor sector, enables users to publish items with just a few clicks. Buyers can purchase products using the usual e-commerce payment methods and benefit from buyer protection. For easy shipping, sellers can conveniently use the pre-franked address label, which is provided to them free of charge after the sale.
Thanks to the continuous development of the platform, Transa and its users will continue to benefit from new functions that constantly improve the experience of buying and selling used items and set new standards.
Optimierte Benutzerfreundlichkeit (UX)
Mit Loopia Resale konnte ein stark verbesserter Ablauf eingeführt werden, der die Kundschaft intuitiv Schritt für Schritt durch den Trade-In-Prozess führt. Die Plattform ermöglicht es den Nutzern, relevante Informationen schnell zu finden und ihre Verkäufe ohne Hindernisse abzuschliessen.
Verbesserte Suchfunktionalität
Ein wesentliches Upgrade mit Loopia Resale war die Einführung einer leistungsstarken, aber dennoch leicht zu bedienenden Suchfunktion. Kunden können nun Produkte, die für den Trade-In oder Ankauf geeignet sind, über ein präzises Suchsystem schnell und einfach finden. Dadurch wird die Plattform nicht nur effizienter genutzt, sondern auch das Anfragenvolumen gesteigert, da Kunden schneller zu den gewünschten Produkten gelangen.
Vielfältige Logistikoptionen
Die Plattform bietet dem Kunden eine grosse Auswahl an Logistikmöglichkeiten, sei es die Übergabe in einer Filiale oder der Versand mit DHL. Für die Filialübergabe werden die verschiedenen Standorte übersichtlich auf einer Karte angezeigt, sodass Kunden die nächstgelegene Filiale problemlos finden. Beim DHL-Versand erhält der Kunde eine vorausgefüllte DHL-Etikette, oder er kann den Abholservice direkt bei sich zu Hause nutzen. Diese Flexibilität macht den Trade-In-Prozess noch bequemer und kundenfreundlicher.
"We greatly appreciate the close and cooperative partnership with Loopia and have worked together towards our goal of creating a top second-hand platform for outdoor products. Loopia has always taken our needs into account during development and implemented them quickly. You can feel that they are fully committed to the circular economy and it is a pleasure to work with them to tackle this issue and further develop innovative solutions."
Anna Vetsch
Head of Sustainability, Transa
Nächste Schritte
Transa Backpacking has been synonymous with high-quality travel and outdoor equipment for over 45 years. With the introduction of the second-hand platform, Transa is taking a significant step towards a circular economy. Loopia's resale solution provides Transa with a second-hand platform that has been specially tailored to its needs and design and implemented with minimal IT effort.